Recent Posts

August 3, 2023
Staying Injury-Free during Hiking Season

Written by: Rachel Grant, MScPT, B.Kin We are fortunate enough to live just a few short hours from the beautiful rocky mountains! Whether you are an avid hiker and have years of experience under your belt, or have just started to explore the trails, injury prevention should be a top priority. Hiking injuries tend to […]

May 4, 2023
The Power of Nutrition in Sports

Written By: Kira Greasley, BA, CHNC When talking nutrition, the consensus is clear, what you eat affects not only your health, but your athletic performance and recovery. Everyone has different nutritional needs so the goal should always be to fuel the body to support any training program, provide efficient recovery between workouts, reduce the risk […]

May 1, 2023
Treating Ankle injuries with Active Release Techniques (ART)

Written By: Active Sports Therapy with Text from Active Release Techniques© The ankle is such a critical area for athletes as it forms the primary connection between the body and the ground. This area of the body will feel a tremendous amount of force and pressure on a regular basis. Motions such as running, jumping, […]

April 19, 2023
Golfer's Elbow vs. Tennis Elbow

By: Active Sports Therapy If you’ve ever experienced pain in your forearm that you notice most when you grip or pick up an object, then you may be suffering from golfers elbow or tennis elbow. Named for the sports they are most often associated with, you can suffer from either of these conditions even if […]

April 3, 2023
Low energy?  You could be anemic.

Written by: Dr. Fiona Lovely, Chiropractor Practitioner of Functional Neurology and Functional Medicine at AST Many women complain of fatigue and low energy.  It has become a hallmark of modern lifestyle.  While there can be many reasons for fatigue, all of them worthy of investigation by your trusted health care provider, anemia is a common […]

March 1, 2023
Microbiome: The Inside Facts

Written By: Kira Greasley, B.A, CHNC Last month we talked about the importance of regular bowel movements and that being constipated or having diarrhea can be a sign that your digestion is off. So lets’ dive in a little further. Digestion is the process of turning large pieces of food into its component nutrients by […]

February 15, 2023
Help Your Winter Skin...Naturally

Written by: Dr. Gayle Maguire ND With cold weather a known trigger for dry skin, many people are looking for natural ways to support healthy skin.  From a naturopathic perspective, there are several common factors that should be evaluated, and often dietary support to aid. Evaluating Dry Skin Is dry skin simply just a way […]

February 2, 2023
The Importance of Regular Bowel Movements

Written By: Kira Greasley, BA, CHNC Let’s be honest, talking about our bowel movements can be uncomfortable, but how often you poop and what your poop looks like can be a strong indicator of your health. Changes in colour, shape and texture can reveal signs of infection, digestive issues and more. In Holistic circles, your […]

January 2, 2023
What is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant?

Written By: Kira Greasley, B.A, CHNC. The term holistic centres itself around the interrelationship of the mind, body and what one believes, otherwise known as spirit. These three factors are so interconnected that most of us overlook their relationship. We have disconnected the fact that what we put into and onto our bodies, directly influences […]

December 30, 2022
Dry Needling

Written By: Rachel Grant, MScPT, B.Kin. What is dry needling? Dry needling is using a thin filiform needle inserted through the skin into areas of the muscle. Your therapist may use the needle to help with the management of muscular pain, trigger points and movementimpairments. Dry needling helps to dissipate inflammatory chemicals, the same ones […]

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