Recent Posts

December 1, 2016
Athlete’s Knee

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]Resolving Knee Injuries with Active Release Techniques (ART) By: Dr. David Westmacott – Doctor of Chiropractic Knee problems can be among the most frustrating and debilitating injuries to occur across a wide range of sporting activities.  Not only are knee injuries extremely common, but as the pain and symptoms associated with the injury develop […]

November 24, 2016
The Common Injuries of Running

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]By: Dr. Corey Finan – Doctor of Chiropractic   Of course running can result in injury.  If you have done any running for any length of time, you have probably come up against this certainty.  The most common sites of injury in runners in descending order:  The Knee The Ankle / Foot The Lower […]

November 17, 2016
Active Release Techniques : Our Approach – A Better Solution

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]By: Dr. David Westmacott – Doctor of Chiropractic ART stands for Active Release Techniques.  It is a new and highly successful hands-on treatment method to address problems in the soft tissues of the body, including the muscles, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.  ART treatment is highly successful in dealing with neck injuries because it is […]

November 10, 2016
7 Best Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text] Natural anti-inflammatory foods are key to your good health. Read below for the 7 best foods that fight inflammation. Inflammation is an immune response to injury, toxins, infection, nutritional imbalance and allergies that causes pain, redness heat and swelling in the affected area. Acute, short term inflammation may be a warning but continual […]

February 2, 2014
AST Winter 2014 Lecture Series Line Up

Join us for one of our new and informative Winter 2014 Lecture Series Talks. Wednesdays from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the AST Clinic.

February 1, 2014
Meet Dr. Jennifer Teasdale’s Maternity Locum: Dr. Shereen Kangarloo

Dr. Jenn will be away from the clinic commencing March 31, 2014 for 8 weeks and will be returning June  2, 2014.   Dr. Shereen Kangarloo was born and raised in Calgary and attended the University of Alberta in Edmonton where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology. She later received her Doctorate […]

January 28, 2014
Active Sports Therapy is pleased to welcome Sarah Kuindersma to our team!

Active Sports Therapy is pleased to welcome Sarah Kuindersma to our team. Sarah is a certified Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) Specialist and is currently accepting new patients. An MAT session may complement you current AST treatment plan. Welcome Sarah! Sarah Kuindersma MAT,  PTS - Muscle Activation Specialist   Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) When someone is compensating […]

June 5, 2012
Join us in Welcoming Dr. Jennifer Teasdale to the AST team!

Dr. Teasdale grew up in British Columbia and recently moved from Portland, Oregon where she completed her chiropractic doctorate. Dr. Teasdale is passionate about health and wellness. Before becoming a chiropractor she worked in the fitness industry for over a decade as a personal trainer, bootcamp instructor and running coach. While in Portland, she fell in love with […]

May 1, 2012
Welcome to our new and greatly expanded Active Sports Therapy Health Centre

Dear Patients, We are truly excited for this opportunity to expand our Health Centre which we have build with you in mind so that we can serve you even better and more comfortably. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our loyal patients over the years for allowing us to serve you and […]

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